Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello Blog!

Recently I began reading blogs...on anything from cooking to decorating...and have finally decided to start my own. I hope to use this blog as a place to document my new explorations into photography, my culinary triumphs and defeats, and share bits of my life as a recent college grad out in the real world. 

Thanks to author Michael Pollan, I like to live with the mantra "if I cant envision it in its natural state, I probably shouldn't eat it."I believe that healthy food is real food with a little moderation applied. I believe in cooking with real ingredients that haven't been processed, that don't contain 10 different corn by products, or that don't contain a bunch of synthetic chemical ingredients. For the most part I have been able to do this very easily by making as much of my meals from scratch as I can and reading labels when I cant. I prefer to use the real, and sometimes fattier versions, of food for the sake of eating food in its most natural and pure state. I also find that the real versions of food are often richer than their fat free or low calorie imitations, so you end up using much less. You also avoid eating the many additives and chemicals that are put into food to give it a lower calorie count, trading a few calories for a bunch of additives your body doesn't know how to digest isn't a good trade off!

Most of the recipes will be inspired from other sources and often adapted to fit my tastes, but I hope to add more original creations as my culinary talents grow. I am not entirely sure what direction this blog will take, but I hope its a place to post recipes, photos, and little bits and thoughts about whats going on in the world for family and friends :)

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