About Ashley

About Me 

 I'm Ashley, and I'm a 23 year old trying to figure out life after college...err...in between college actually. I majored in Anthropology during my undergraduate studies and I am now in the long process of applying and hopefully getting accepted into graduate school to pursue my PhD in Anthropology. School has been a huge part of my life and now that it is on hold I thought this blog would be a good way to channel my other interest and passions...cooking!


  I have always had an interest in cooking and loved cooking for my family from a young age while I was still living at home. When I moved out and went to college though, cooking became a challenge with a new awareness about having a grocery budget, adjusting ingredient amounts when cooking for one, and never really having anyone else to cook for. When I met my boyfriend Trevor it was so fun because we both love to stay in and cook as opposed to eating out and I finally had someone to test all my recipes on, so I have to credit him greatly for the massive improvement my culinary abilities have undergone over the past few years. Not just because he motivates me to cook more, but because our varied taste preferences (hes a meat loving carnivore and I have an indifferent relationship with meat) have challenged me in ways like making meatless meals filling or making lean proteins taste a little less lean and a little more tasty.
  I really want to create meals that are void of processed ingredients, compliment a balanced diet, and of course taste good! I really try and make what I can from scratch, but working 40+ hours a week I do value my time and sometimes balance my meals with some pre made ingredients. The important thing I believe is to read the labels of what you are using when you can't make something yourself to ensure that the ingredients are real and additives like sugar, sodium, and synthetic ingredients are minimal. Let me be clear that I am not a dieter and do not believe in dieting, I believe in eating wholesome ingredients, trying to get as many fruits and veggies as I can each day, and using moderation.