Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Back Ribs

  I have never ordered ribs in a restaurant and to be honest I am not a huge fan of them...except when they are cooked like this! My dad works in the grocery industry and a butcher once told him the key to tender, fall of the bone ribs is removing the membrane on the bone side of the ribs. He started to make his ribs using this recipe and my brother and I loved them! I had never attempted making them myself and normally left that to my dad, so I ate ribs maybe once or twice a year when I saw him. A few months ago I asked him for the recipe and thought I would give them a try. I recently went on a family vacation and thought these would be a great crowd pleaser, so I wanted to try them out before my trip. When I made them the first time Trevor loved them, when I made them for my family they loved, so I figured the recipe was blog worthy :)