Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Turkey and Artichoke Stuffed Shells

  This recipe has been a go to pasta dish when I need something to serve a large crowd, but it also serves well as a meal that you can make ahead and freeze. I have made this for family gatherings many times and its always a hit. Lately I have been preparing a few meals every week or two that I can freeze for easy dinner nights during the week. This is always one of my go to freezer meals, along with chili, spaghetti and meatballs, and a new taquito recipe that I will be posting later this week. I am able to get about 4 meals out of this for 2 people with leftovers for lunch the next day. I have a bunch of food storage containers that are oven safe, they are basically baking dishes with silicon lids. So I make up the 4 servings, bake one that night for dinner, and store the other 3 servings in food storage containers to use over the next month. It makes it super easy because you can just take the pasta right out of the freezer and put it straight into the oven for an easy weeknight dinner. When I do freeze food I normally try to use it within a month because I found that it tastes fresher and because I try not to use food storage methods that create waste (plastic freezer bags, foil, plastic wrap, etc) it is easier for the food to get freezer burn while stored in the glass food storage containers, so the sooner we eat it the less likely there will be freezer burn.
   Anyways, the recipe itself is very tasty, the use of arribiata sauce adds a nice spice to the pasta, while the artichokes add a nice unexpected flavor. The filling for the pasta shells can also be used to make a lasagna filling as well. You just following the recipe for the filling, pour a little sauce in a baking dish, then alternate between noodles, sauce, and the filling (you can add a sprinkle of mozarella in each layer too). Then top with sauce, a little mozarella, and parmesan and bake about the same time or until cheese is bubbly and browned on top.

Banana Blueberry Oatmeal Loaf

  I love blueberries and I especially love mixing them into baked goods. I have a few more recipes to post over the next few weeks that also involve blueberries, so forgive me if I overload you on blueberries but I just cant resist them! Blueberries on their own are wonderful, but mixing them into baked goods seems to add that bit of extra sweetness. Along with blueberries I happen to love bananas and any sort of banana flavor baked good. This banana loaf recipe was excellent, very moist, dense, and sweet. The blueberries add some texture and a nice complimenting flavor to the banana bread. The oatmeal added into the recipe also adds great texture and makes the bread feel heartier. The recipe comes together very quickly, and although the baking time is long, it is easily something that could be made during the week or when you are short on time. This is definitely a healthier version of a banana loaf with the whole wheat flour, the use of buttermilk, and substituting apple sauce for vegetable oil. The original recipe which included oil instead of applesauce and no whole wheat flour came in at 193 calories a slice, not sure how my alterations affect that number but I am pretty sure you can eat this guilt free :)